Monday 24 September 2007

Ooooh Big rant and hello Eric!!

ok big rant today

I have just watched the news and saw the peice about the number of points you get for speeding going up if you do not admit that you were driving the car. Hang on a minute why do I have to admit to driving a car.........Isnt it their Job, or duty to PROOVE who was driving the car!! Why do I have to give up my right to silence and incriminate myself whilst doing it just to make the policemans job easier and in doing so give up one of my fundemental human rights!!!!!.

What happens if it wasnt me driving!!! Do I now have to say it was me even when it wasnt, isnt that lieing under oath>?????????

Breathe ok just Breathe.............we are giving up our rights left and center in this country..........oscar wilde said it best " those who give up their independance and their basic human rights through fear of others have no right to either.

Oof I am pissed off!!

Anyway Hello Eric Yes I am into philosphy ........ I really like Hermetic and alchemical philsophy and the way that this teaches you to see the universe........and yes I am also a scientist good spot LOL Biologist and Biochemist for my sins.

Anyway I am off to have a quiet pint, smoke a spliff and then drive home in my big gas guzzling 4 by 4 picking up prostitutes and drug addicts along the way ............................Just to piss the government off!!!

LOL not really i should be so lucky


Friday 21 September 2007

Autumn is here

Well Autumn seems to have descended onto wales this week, the weather is colder and inevitably wetter. I am not sure what to write about this month, I seem to have been so busy I have not accomplished anything really.

Lets talk about time, one of the things that I noticed recently is peoples need to fill up time. There was an advert on TV the other day saying that now you would have more time for life because the internet was now mobile!!. Surely that would give us Less time not more. To be contactable at all times is surely not a good thing, dont we all need moments where we are out of contact, untouchable, unattainable.

It scares me that kids think that because they have mobile phones they are safe!! How does that work is your mother going to climb down the line and save you from the person who is attacking you. Nope I dont think thats how it works, it reminds me of that horrible scene in the first Slasher film where the girl is on the phone when she is murdered and the mother can only sit and listen in horror at her daughters final moments..............................

Time is and is not ............its a thing that we create to measure the passage of the sun and demark the day but it also does not exist naturally...........only entropy exists, but we give time power over us all of the time...........we have no time to be ............

Sunday 19 August 2007

Success and how to measure it

I watched a programme on TV today charting the childhood of some children born in the year 2000. It was narrated by Sir Robert Winston who in my opinion makes some really interesting TV. One of the things that made me Sad was the way that people measured Success.

One girl, who in my opinion had done a wonderful job of pulling herself out of a poverty stricken single parent existence and who was obviously making her way in the world working as a care assistant defined success as having an expensive car and a big house. I found it very sad that this girl who obviously had worked her socks off to get where she was .........who had a daughter who was beautful and obviously loved her mum very much did not see herself as sucessful.

She works and makes a difference every day to the people she cares for and it was obvious from the film that she was exceptionally good at that work, And yet because she was not rich or famous she did not think that she was successful.

What is your definition of success??????????

Mine is pleasure and enjoyement of what you are doing. Health and wellbeing of mind and body, Being loved and to be able to love. To enjoy other peoples successes as much as your own without a sense of jealousy or bitterness. and lastly to know in your heart that what you are doing is right for yourself. no one else only yourself because at the end of the day no matter how much you believe other people's opinions and input matters it really doesnt and unless you are happy in your own core you will never know true success.

And your seeking and searching will avail you not unless you know the mystery, that if that for which you seek is not found within it will never be found without.

Thursday 16 August 2007

Selling us stuff we dont need

Advertising is pervasive in this day and age, it sells us everything from deoderant to washing powder. But it doesnt really sell us the actual stuff does it sells us the life style with which we would love to become accostomed. Laser eye surgery advert is a case in point, yes laser eye surgery would be a good solution to those of us who are a little myopic BUT according to the advert it makes us better people, more confident, more outgoing, better parents, better sportsman and women, even though the majority of us dont Ride mountain bikes or Ski cross country ........If we believe the advert .........get the eye surgery and WE WILL!!

I have already talked about the orgasmic hair shampoo.................Why are we sooooo gullible. Also the new trend to making the adverts louder than the programs on the TV is very annoying.........or is it that I am getting older and grumpier LOL

Why do we spend all of our well earned cash on things we dont need. Take loans out to pay off loans that we took out to buy things we dont need...............confused? yes me too.

The current love of my life is my Sky Plus box (which yes I know I dont really need) it allows me to fast forward through the adverts!!!! YAY

So this means that I no longer need to Challenge churchil; Get a loan, Have celebrity prices, or watch 12 year olds pretend to be 40 so that we will be STUPID enough to believe that we can hold back the processes of time by putting more and more chemicals on our skin......................Lets face it girls ...................Wrinkles Happen........Deal with it!!!!

Friday 27 July 2007

new day More rain

Well I think its really time now to seriously consider building an ark!!!.

The water is still flowing here in wales but its much much worse in other areas of the country and my thoughts are with them.

Went to the Pub last night and put the world to rights with a group of friends. conversations ranged from the role of religion in the problems of the world to the right way to go for a pee in the woods when camping............Eclectic is the word I think.

one of the main topics of conversation was the reluctance of people in general to accept responsiblity for any of their actions. There seems to be a culture of Right over responsiblity.

We want the right to be anything we want and do what we want with our lives but the weight of responsiblity seems to be to much to bear.

Examples include Schools being told to educate children in the moral aspects of life because the parents of said children are deemed to be unable to do it. Well surely its their job!! The woman recently who sued a school for not educating her child sexually resulting in the child becoming pregnant I missing something.................What happened to the responsibility of the parent to turn out rounded well developed offspring!!!!

Personally as a parent I take Joy in the fact that my daughter is independant, well mannered, sexually informed and has a high sense of personal worth .............She is 16 and I have no doubt in years to come will embark on a sexual relationship but at that point she will have been educated in the physical, psychological and socialogical aspects of sex.

The main problem I think with sex in the culture at the moment is that it has been turned into a selling tool for everything from cars to Shampoo...........................and its all Female very rarely see male sexuality displayed in the way that female is.

I dont think that the shampoo advert for organics would work with a guy coming all over the telly do you???

So what we tell our girls is that its ok to use your sex for sell anything.............including themselves...........

Instead of making sex sacred. beautiful and something to be proud of, we denigrate it, demean it and make its somehting to be scared, and ashamed of

Sad really


Thursday 26 July 2007

What do we do about our young women

One of the things I am most concerned with is the young women in the world and what their image of themselves is. I deal with young women every day in my job and it scares me that these girls have very little self value and tend to value themselves on only two things.

1. how they look

2. What they have

This I think is our fault - the older woman I mean, we allow our girls to think only that their value is in their bodies, On videos on Tv in papers women are shown half naked, extremly sexual and being pawed and played with by some random man.

Why do we not celebrate our bright women, the scientists, the authors and poets, the Artists.

We would rather drool over the latest hilton escapade and posh's new dress than discuss the situation in iraq.

Its OUR Fault, We buy the magazines we tell our girls subconsiously that their only value is in their surface appearence.

It scares the hell out of me when I asked a group of `14 year old girls what they would do if they could do anything in the world. No limit. and the best they came up with was shopping in new York.

Where are the dreams, where is the passion,why are they so appathetic

The answer

US!!! We feed this we ask little of them and then are surprised with we get little back.

If we all stopped buying into the celebrity mentality and the magazine cult all at once we could put things in perspective

There is something wrong with girls when they are having sex with boys in school fields and filming it to put on U Tube. Or rather is there something very very wrong with why they feel they have to do this, or why they thing it would be in any way a good thing.

Can we do anything

what do you think


the Diary of an ordinary woman

its July 27th and its raining Again!!

I dont think its stopped raining since march which is a bit depressing.

I have decided to put my thoughts down in this diary to speak up for woman of a certain age and a certain mental status, to show that we are not all vacuous bints but rather women who think, have and express opinions and have an intellectual nature.

I am going to write on topics which I love and have strong opinions about, if you agree with me or disagree with me thats fine I would love to hear from you, however I would like this to be a place where all people can express themselves without fear of being shouted down or talked down to.

All of the opinions are my own and I am not trying to sell you anything.

I am keeping my identity secret as I think that its better that way.

Keep well and out of the rain

Ordinary woman